Can I return a product and under what conditions?
You can return your order and pay you back the amount, by notify us in writing through our contact form, FLEXHOSES@GMAIL.COM or by phone by calling Customer Services on phone 00302310 522913 within 20 calendar days of receipt of the product by you or any third party that you will indicate.
If you order the consignment period starts the moment you receive the latest product or product delivery in case of annuities.
Hose piece which was cut from the roll, it can NOT be returned.
With the withdrawal you are obliged to return to us the product in excellent condition as delivered to you or give us clear and not debatable evidence that you have certainly sent within 14 calendar days from the withdraw from you and within the same period obliged to refund any amounts you paid us. Any damaged to the goods will not be refundable.
The consumer is liable for any reduction in the value of the goods only as a result of the management of the goods other than that which is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the goods. We are not responsible and we will not compensate the consumer nor will the withdrawal produce results in case the damage to the goods has been caused by the fault of the consumer or in case of use which exceeds what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the goods.
In each case the products you return must be accompanied by the necessary documentation and receipts. The shipping costs of returning the product are not covered by ANGELOS THOMADAKIS SA and charged to the client.
You are not entitled to withdraw in the cases of article 3b of law 2251/94 and in any other case that is provided by law or the present in accordance with the law.